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Jonah: Plants or People?

“And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city”

Jonah 4:11

Do we, like Jonah, ever lose sight of what is important? Are there times in life when we become so fixated on the luxuries of this world and the things that we have, that we lose sight of what is truly important? Worse yet, do we find ourselves so angered at others that we feel salvation should not be available to them?

Jonah lost sight of what was important. He was so fixated on the wickedness and cruelness of the people of Nineveh that he did not want them to be saved from destruction. Yet, when the plant that provided him comfort and shade was withered, he decided it would be better to be dead than alive.

How often do we find ourselves in such a state of mind? Harsh and cruel to a soul in need of Jesus, and yet bitter and devastated when our comforts are removed.

That is when God asks, “Should not I pity Nineveh”?

What makes us so special and deserving of salvation?

The truth is, there is nothing special about us. There is nothing in us that merits God’s grace and mercy, and as thankful recipients, we should stop at nothing short of extending the gospel message to all in need.

Our luxuries and comforts are not of more value than a human soul in need of Jesus. When we value worldly comforts over souls we become ineffective for God’s kingdom.

Jesus’ purpose wasn’t to provide luxury to deserving saints, but to seek and save that which is lost. (Luke 19:10) Let us never forget the joy in Heaven over one lost sheep that is found.

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