What is The Theological?

What is The Theological?

The Theological is a Christian blog styled as an online magazine. The content is the outflow of personal Bible study that I want to share with others. I do not have formal training but am simply a Christian that loves God and loves to teach others about Christ. Most content, as mentioned above, is the result of my personal studies, formatted in a manner that will allow others to, hopefully, grow spiritually.

What kind of content will be available on The Theological?

The Theological will provide content in 9 major sections:

  1. Exposition – Breakdowns of Biblical passages
  2. Theology – In-depth studies on the theological concepts
  3. Themes – Day-to-day application topics and how the Christian should deal with each
  4. History – Research and commentary on Jewish, Extrabiblical, and Church history
  5. People – Overviews of the people of Scripture
  6. Places – Research and commentary on locations
  7. Devotions – Personal devotions meant for meditation and application
  8. Resources – Various resources and reference material that may be useful for study

What is the goal of The Theological?

The goal is to provide sound Biblical teaching for modern Christians, specifically, the layperson. The Theological seeks to provide Christian instruction and exhortation in a manner that is readily accessible and easy to digest.

How should I read The Theological?

Since God’s Word is the ultimate authority and truth for all things, it is highly recommended that you compare everything you read here with God’s Word itself. Much like the Bereans examined Scripture when Paul witnessed to them (Acts 17:11), it is highly encouraged to study God’s Word individually to ensure that what you read here is consistent with God’s Word. If you are ever faced with a scenario where God’s Word differs from The Theological… side with God’s Word.

What does The Theological believe?

A simple statement of faith is as follows:

  1. Creation – God created the world in 6 days out of nothing
  2. Trinity – God exists in 3 persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
  3. Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, fully God and fully man
  4. Salvation – Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ
  5. God’s Word – God’s Word is inspired by God and is complete, inerrant, absolute, and sufficient for all things
  6. End Times – Jesus Christ will return again to call home His church and reign forever as King of kings and Lord of lords

While more could be defined, the above definition covers the core of The Theological’s beliefs.

How often is content posted?

As of this posting, there is no regular posting schedule for The Theological.


Hopefully the information in this article proves useful and serves as a starting point and guide for what to expect when browsing The Theological. Above all things, it is my hope that each of us grow towards Christ in all that we do and that the name of Christ is preached and praised in our world!

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